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Getting Naked...

going naked....  Do you know that skin is the human body's largest organ? Funny we tend to forget about this fact. Adults carry some eight pounds (or 3.6 kilograms) and 22 square feet (which is 2 square meters) of it according to an article I read in National Geographic .  I always knew that if you have health issues it usually shows up in your skin. For instance, when I use a shampoo/conditioner in the shower that my body doesn't quite agree with it shows up on the skin on my back. This leads me to do more research on the chemicals in our skincare and shampoos et cetera. After a while, I grew numb to this and because my job leads me to work in the beauty industry of sorts I ignored that. Not to mention I began to assimilate into what society deems as more acceptable and beautiful. I was once again doing acrylic nails, painting my toenails with nail polish, and using various synthetic chemicals created for perfumes and beauty products that claim to help me not age but are horm...

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